Sunday, February 15, 2009

"Aham Brahmasmi" - Better than "Jai Ho"

After so much of news about 'SM' at the global stage combined with statistics of earnings in theatres across US and the recognition for Indians (AR Rahman, Russel Pookutty and Gulzar), it is natural for every Indian to feel proud and the urge to watch the movie. But SlumDog turns out to be a Damp Squib - a simple normal logical movie with so many glitches and a background music which was a kind of normal AR music and the characterisation just on par with some of the good Hollywood / Bollywood movies. First, the marketing arm of 'SM' has to be credited for lobbying such a below par movie to be recognised at BAFTA and Oscar level. Exposing the reality about slum life is okay, but would the same director dare to show NY's downtown (or) poverty stricken African's lives with the same amount of liberty he has done in this movie?

We have to accept that AR has been recognised for some good scores he has done for movies such as Lagaan or Swades. I don't think AR / Gulzar / Rusel would have got their names mentioned if the same movies had been made by an Indian production company and an Indian director. The Pathetic state is that, well made movie like Lagaan fail to win an Oscar whereas ordinary movie like SM made the win look so easy.

Naan Kadavul - a strong script and a daring one is well made. There is no flirting by the director to project the reality; expect the worst when you sit for the movie and you will like it. Maestro has come out on the top with the background score and memorable songs; the tunes ideally suited for the situations.

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